Did you think I was dead?

I wouldn't blame ya!

I've been gone for a while and probably will be for a while after this!

I like making games but fuck me I have no idea what I'm doing. Except with the Adventure Game Studio but sadly I don't like doing easy simple things because I hate myself. I'll come back. I'm just having trouble learning how to code with Godot. Shit just doesn't stick well in my head for some reason and it stresses me out when I work with it then. I'll get to it sometime. In the meantime I've also been exploring the Adventure Creator, and thus Unity. Interesting stuff. If I could make a shooter in there, that'd be really cool, but nothing is ever that simple.

Anyway sorry for the rant, enjoy this old stupid game. When David Lynch passed away I wasn't sure if I should ever share this game, but I decided to finally do it regardless. I suppose it's not the most respectful game, but it was made with all the love in my heart for that man. As dumb this game might be, I fucking love David and his passing hurt me deeply. It also helped me put some things into perspective about art. I hope you're in a good place David, and I'm glad I can finally share this dang thing.

Have fun y'all, cheers.


Kinoventure 50 MB
10 hours ago

Get David Lynch's Kinoventure

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